May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and it’s a great time to reflect on how we’re prioritizing what matters most to us. I believe our physical health is deeply tied to mental and emotional health, so it’s important to give them all some extra love and nurturing.
As I’ve navigated different phases of my life, I’ve always tried to be very intentional about how I take care of myself. That intentionality has shown up in my relationship with my husband as well – with an unexpected benefit. We plan a trip away every year for our anniversary. We knew we wanted time away to travel and see new things, but we didn’t realize that we were also learning how to be alone without our kids! As we prepare for life as empty nesters, I’m grateful for the time we spent investing in our relationship and making sure we know how to spend quality time together.

But prioritizing mental health isn’t just about planning big trips or life transitions. It’s also about finding ways to incorporate self-care and connection into our daily lives. We’ve started exploring and playing the role of tourist in our town and are connecting with new neighbors. We’ve found that making time for fun like this has had a significant impact on our overall well-being.
As we all continue to navigate the ups and downs of life, let’s remember to prioritize our mental health.
How are you making sure you take care of yourself this month?
And if you’re looking for more support in your professional life as a communicator connect with me on Linkedin! I often share strategies and insights aimed at making life a little easier for communications pros. I’m there a lot because it’s a platform that brings me joy.🙂