
Are You Measuring & Evaluating Your Results?

By Jennifer R. Hudson / November 24, 2021

I think one way to cement your value as a communications professional is to back up your work with data that is tied to results and presented in a language everyone (especially senior leaders) understands.  I have never professed to be a data expert, but I know just enough to be dangerous. 🙂 I’ve always…

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Helping Leaders Move Past Fear and Embrace Change

By Jennifer R. Hudson / November 17, 2021

In a world where our vocabulary, social norms, and workforce are ever-expanding, it can be easy for organizations that resist change to commit a faux pas that leave their employees and the public uncomfortable — or sometimes downright angry.  When company leaders resist the need to create a more inclusive culture, the resistance often stems from…

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The Cost of Inaction

By Jennifer R. Hudson / November 3, 2021

Remember the early days of your career, when you were nervous about making mistakes, but pushed past your fears to put yourself out there for new opportunities? You eventually got to a place with your work where you felt confident about what you knew (and maybe a little overwhelmed with what you didn’t).  You got…

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How Communicators Can Hold Brands Accountable

By Jennifer R. Hudson / October 27, 2021

It’s been more than 16 months since the summer of 2020. It was a brutal summer for the world, and it brought a lot of issues to the forefront of our minds. The murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and countless others forced us to have very direct conversations about race and its…

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How To Show Senior Leaders Your Value

By Jennifer R. Hudson / October 14, 2021

Those of us in PR and marketing often joke about why being a best-kept secret isn’t necessarily a great thing.😕   So when I think about how I can help PR pros build a purposeful and lucrative business by offering strategic services that allow them to play in their zone of genius and create the kind…

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Do These 3 Things to Support Leaders with Covid Communications

By Jennifer R. Hudson / September 15, 2021

I’ve seen companies still wrestling with the best way to implement and communicate their pandemic return-to-office policies.  CEOs are worried about the ideal way to support staff who are uneasy about heading to the office in the face of the Delta variant, but most companies still plan to have “butts in seats” by the end of the…

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Are You Prepping Your Clients For Q4?

By Jennifer R. Hudson / September 7, 2021

It’s September and the end of the year will soon be upon us! How are you prepping your clients for the fourth quarter?  Consider the ways your expertise can help your clients accomplish their remaining goals for 2021. As a trusted advisor, you should be aware of upcoming action items key departments are working to deliver or…

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What it Really Means to be the “Smartest Person in the Room”

By Jennifer R. Hudson / July 13, 2021

I had a chat with Al Comeaux of Primed for Change, who I included in last week’s post of “meme-able” motivational quotes. I thought it was important to expand on just what he meant by the need for the PR pro to be  “the smartest person in the room.” 

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Trusted Advisor: Let’s Say it Again for the People in the Back

By Jennifer R. Hudson / June 29, 2021

I talk a lot about communications professionals embracing their natural role as trusted advisors. Doing so requires us to stay at the top of our game, consistently working to develop the skills needed to effectively advise and support every level of an organization. We are so much more than media professionals looking for that next…

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Holding Leaders Accountable: It’s “Imprescindible”

By Jennifer R. Hudson / May 18, 2021

One of the greatest joys in my life was learning Spanish. When I studied in Mexico and Spain, I was fascinated by how the nuances of culture got wrapped up in language. These days, a word in Spanish will often spring up first in my mind if it suits a situation best – perhaps because…

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